Over the years we have assisted our clients in the preparation and review of their personal and business wills from an income tax planning perspective.

There are many income tax “traps” to be wary of if you have rental, business or investment assets that will cause your estate needless income taxes and your executor’s additional professional fees in addressing the transfer of your assets in accordance with the instructions left in your will.

In conjunction with Memorial Gardens we have produced a Legal Will Kit that includes a number of timely topics including the following:

An Overview

What is a Will? / Who can make a Will?
The Advantages of Having a Will
The Disadvantages of NOT Having a Will
Basic Aspects
Property Not Affected by a Will
Choosing an Executor/Trustee
Executor’s/Trustee’s Fees
Contents of your Will
Residual Clauses
Leaving Gifts (Bequests)
The Importance of Expert Advice
Custody of Minors
Funeral and Cemetery Planning

Writing Your Will

Completing the Will Form
Adding Additional Pages
Clauses that Don’t Apply to You
Step-by-Step Instructions

Wrapping It Up

Signing the Will
Changes in Relationships
What is a codicil?
Revoking a Will
Closing Message
Glossary of Terms


This is an excellent publication that covers many areas of this timely topic.  If you would like a copy of the Legal Will Kit, kindly email Joe Truscott at [email protected].